Developers Page

Resources for Visual FoxPro Developers

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Southwest Fox 2017, Gilbert, AZ, October 26 - 29, 2017

Thanks for visiting. I hope you find something useful here.
Rick Borup



Visual FoxPro Best Practices for the Next Ten Years by multiple contributors
The complete proceedings of the 2006 Great Lakes Great Database Workshop are now available as an e-book entitled Visual FoxPro Best Practices for the Next Ten Years. Presented by 10 internationally-known experts, individually and on panels, the workshop covered virtually every major aspect of FoxPro development best practices. This 415-page e-book contains all of the conference whitepapers combined into a single PDF file. You also get all 14 slide presentations in their entirety along with all source code for the sessions.
     Topics include: Development Environment Setup green squareError Handling and Reporting green squareClass Design green squareUser Interfaces green squareLocal and Remote Data Access green squareRefactoring green squareDebugging green squareReporting green squareProject Management green squareVertical Application Development green squareMiddle-Tier Design green squareDeployment green squareand Professional Developer's Toolkit.
     This book is available from Hentzenwerke. ISBN 1-930919-70-0
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions by Rick Schummer, Rick Borup, and Jacci Adams
Ship it! Music to your ears or words that cause a cold sweat as you realize you now need to deploy the solution you have worked on for so long? Have you planned the deployment?

"...if you are preparing something for installation at a few hundred or thousand branch offices around the country or the world, this is the only book I know of that provides the kind of help you will need. Besides that, it is very well done." — a reviewer on

Do you have the proper language in your contract with your customer? Do you have the proper install package? Do you even know what features your installer needs or how to use one of the many installers? What media is the package going to be shipped on to the client? How will it be distributed? Is the customer even ready? What happens after setup.exe finishes? Do you have the support infrastructure in place? How are you going to handle updates and changes?
     There's a lot to think about, and deploying a solution requires careful planning. These questions and many more are answered based on real world experience within the pages of this book.
     This book is available from Hentzenwerke and on ISBN 1-930919-32-8


 White Papers:

 Developer Downloads from ITA:

Age Calculator
Updated 03-Jan-2005 Age Calculator is a Visual FoxPro® class to calculate a person's age in years, months, and days. This release features a complete replacement of the core logic using custom methods to handle the calculation of 'next month' and 'next year' and gives more accurate results when the date range starts on day 29, 30, or 31 and spans several months or years.
Zip Automation Manager
Updated 30-May-2003 Zip Automation Manager is a Visual FoxPro® class that allows you to run WinZip® programmatically. Using Zip Automation Manager, you can to control WinZip® from within your VFP application to create ZIP files (archives), add files to existing ZIP archives, and extract files from ZIP archives. See the help file to find out what's new in this version.
WinZip is a registered trademark of WinZip Computing, Inc. Visual FoxPro is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Updated 30-Jan-2003 rbInputBox() is a simple, general-purpose input box for Visual FoxPro. Unlike the native InputBox() function introduced in VFP 7.0, rbInputBox() can handle character, date, numeric, and currency data types as well as providing other functionality not available in the native InputBox() function. New in this version of rbInputBox() is the ability to set the PasswordChar property of the textbox, which allows you to accept a masked password. Previously released as InputBox() for VFP 6.0, the name was changed to avoid conflicts with VFP's own InputBox() function in VFP 7 and later.
Enhanced Numeric Textbox Class
Updated 16-Oct-2000 Use this class to make numeric data display the way you want it to while it's being entered. You can choose adding machine style (implied decimal) or calculator style (explicit decimal). Comes with a sample form and a readme file with examples. Now works in grids, too.
   The latest update enables default behavior for the PgUp and PgDn keys to enhance the functionality of this class when it's used in a grid. Also, the InteractiveChange() method is now called as each digit is entered to better simulate the behavior of the native textbox. See the readme file for complete documentation and release history.
   This class is an ongoing enhancement of the original 'txtnumber' class by Jim Booth.
Ready-to-use Progress Bar
Updated 19-Jul-2000 A ready-to-use progress bar with a dynamic title and message in a simple, nice-looking form. Distributed as a Visual FoxPro 6.0 class library. The 19-Jul-2000 release is updated to use version 3.0 of commctrl.vcx, which is included in the download archive.
Tip of the Day!
New 22-Dec-1999 Display a "Tip of the Day" at startup or from your 'Help' menu. You've seen this feature in other apps, now you can easily add it to your own VFP apps. Distributed as a Visual FoxPro 6.0 class library, works with VFP 5.0 too.
Get Date from Calendar
An implementation of the Visual FoxPro ActiveX calendar control. Click a button to bring up the calendar, click a date to put it into a text field. Comes with a demo and an explanation of how to use it.
DOS Does Fonts!
Lets you print Windows® style reports from FoxPro for DOS, using your printer's resident fonts. [This is the SetFont( ) function which Rick Borup presented at the 21-May-1997 meeting of the Central Illinois FoxPro Users and Developers Group.]
More to come... please visit again

 Just for fun:

JumbleTron is a Visual FoxPro® class to jumble a block of text by rearranging the letters in the middle of each word while leaving the first and last letters the same. Check out my blog entry for the idea behind this toy.

 Links to Other Sites of Interest to Visual FoxPro Developers

Sites are listed alphabetically. Please report broken links.
Free, open-source WebRAD tool that combines VFP mtdlls with ASP and ASP.NET to create fast VFP web apps
AFPWeb Dot Com, Inc.
Active FoxPro Pages is a tool for creating dynamic Web pages using VFP data
Chicago FUDG
Chicago FoxPro Users and Developers Group
Classy Components, Inc.
Development tools including InGrid, Mail Manager, QBF Builder, and more
CoDe Magazine
Component Developer Magazine
CompuServe MS Developers Forum
Message board and downloads for VFP and other MS Dev Tools
Computer Consulting
Tips, links, and news
Dave Frankenbach
Tips, samples, and utilities
Not VFP-specific, but a good source of information about application development
German FoxPro Users Group
EPS Software
Markus Egger's site (CoDe Magazine, Visual UML, Voodoo Web Controls, & more)
F1 Technologies
Visual Fox Express framework for VFP
A web services-based site for VFP news and announcements
Eric den Doop's online support forum for FoxPro
FoxPro Wiki
Steven Black's FoxPro Wiki is an outstanding resource for VFP developers.
FoxPro Advisor
"Expert advice on Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® Development", from Advisor Media, Inc.
FoxTalk 2.0
"Solutions for Microsoft® FoxPro® and Visual FoxPro® Developers", from Pinnacle Publishing
A development tool for integrating FoxPro and SQL databases with the Web
FoxPro/VFP resources
Visual FoxPro Product Listing
Whil Hentzen's site
Hentzenwerke Publishing
The source for books on VFP, Linux, Open, and more
James Booth Consulting
Jim Booth's site - a great teacher and true VFP guru
Mark McCasland's site
Some cool tools for VFP, including the CursorAdapter VCX Builder
Microsoft's Visual FoxPro site
The official home of Visual FoxPro® on the Web
Oak Leaf Enterprises
Mere Mortals framework for VFP
Pinter Consulting
Les Pinter's site
Rick Schummer
Articles, downloads, and more. (See also White Light Computing, Inc.)
Seattle Visual FoxPro Special Interest Group
Resources, links, and downloads for VFP developers.
Soft Classics, Ltd.
CodeMine 6.0 framework for VFP, and other products
Steven Black Consulting
Steven Black's INTL Toolkit and other resources for Visual FoxPro developers
Stonefield Systems Group Inc.
Doug Hennig's company - Stonefield Database Toolkit, Stonefield Query, & more
TakeNote Technologies
Jim Duffy's site, home of FoxAudit and VFP courseware
Software support forums for many development tools, including FoxPro
Universal Thread
One of the most active Visual FoxPro peer support forums on the Web
Virtual FoxPro Users Group (VFUG)
Downloads, peer support, a monthly newsletter, and more
Visionpace (formerly Vision Data Solutions)
Organizers of the DevEssentials conference (Essential Fox, et. al.)
Visual FoxPro Utilities
David Prince has a list of VFP links and utilities
Visual MaxFrame Professional
Object-oriented framework for Visual FoxPro application development
Visual ProMatrix
Application generator and framework for VFP
West Wind Technologies
Rick Strahl's site - go here for anything to do with VFP on the web
White Light Computing, Inc.
Rick Schummer's company. New home of ViewEditor Pro and HackCX Pro, two "must have" utilities in your VFP toolbox. (See also
Data modeling and database design tool for VFP

Microsoft, Windows, and Visual FoxPro are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions